track_changes The Kickstart


The kick start is set up to help get you onboarded onto the team as quickly as possible!
While your programme is being built out by your coach, make sure to watch through the content below.
These need to be completed for you to start on the right foot!

Getting Started -

Getting the ball rolling with your journey is simple, Watch this video to see what steps you need to take.


Nutrition is VITAL to getting the results you want. If you don't want to leave anything on the table and actually make the progress you're looking for this is a key one to nail.

Nutrition is what controls your body fat levels, fuels performance, and helps your body recover from training. Whatever level you're at, we will work to make you a pro!

Training In a Certain Way

Training is an important part of the process, it's what stimulates growth and change in your body, improves strength, muscle mass, performance, and brings with it a wealth of health benefits!

Making sure you're training correctly and getting the most out of your sessions is what makes the difference between great and average results.

Check Ins

Check-ins are a vital part of the process and arguably one of the key ingredients in getting you successful results.

Check-ins are your opportunity to highlight where things have gone well and where you have struggled so that we can come up with a game plan for the week ahead to smash your progress!

Check-Ins are a non-negotiable of the programme, and need to be submitted weekly on a Sunday.

Trainerize & The Members Area

This tutorial is going to quickly run through what you have access to as part of the members area, as well as how to use the Trainerize app.

Asking Questions/Struggles - Don't be Stoopid

Got questions during your journey, here's the best place to ask them and get the answers you need!

An easy rule of thumb is
If its personal to you, ask your coach in the app

If it'll benefit other people, shoot it over to the Facebook group

The Send Off

The Send Off

The last video in the kickstart to send you off into the programme in the best way possible.
So now that you have completed the Kickstart, make sure you have your app set up and drop me a message in the chat feature on there. You'll have an email with a link to set up your account!